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  • It's not so much pessimism, but there is some. He is more inclined to point out and ridicule. He criticized the ways that are unique to Americans and the notion they sometimes think like there is nothing outside the US boundaries, and that their way is the only right. I think that in some instances it was a bit too much, but you'll see for yourself. In his defense, because you'll see that his remarks are very similar to general European remarks against US, he did ridicule British ways, I think even European, so his is not really biased, he's just funny. :D
    Mind blowing experience is mutual. :D That guy is famous in Europe, they recently translated several of his books here, and after reading a few pages from one, and nearly pissing into my pants because I laughed so much, I had to buy them and do the pissing part at home. :P

    I think that you'll appreciate the humor and irony, though I'm not sure how much you'll like his views about your home town and US in general. The science oriented one I'm sure you'll like.
    Well if you are somehow able to make it, that'd be awesome! If not, everyone would completely understand.

    Careful now, you just might start shredding before you know it. What kind of scales have you been working on?
    Not a whole lot is new. I did go to a psychologist today. It was pretty interesting and insightful. I'll probably blog about it later.

    How about you? What's new in your neck of the woods?
    Just sitting around for a few minutes before I have to get to my daily activities (aka, boring things like run errands) What's up?
    There's no such thing me dear. Life goes on...and on and on. But you could always make the most out of it. Always!
    lol, you're cute. =) but no, i don't own a lawn just yet, but i do have a problem with which your tech admin skills might be useful. I'll pm you.

    p.s.I enjoyed reading the article you attached. thx
    Yeahhh I looked it up last night before I went to bed. I learned all of this already, I just tend to lose the information after the test is taken.
    Things are pretty good, thank you. Just clinging on in vain to the last strands of the weekend :D How 'bout you?
    Damnit, you can get 2 year degrees over there?
    I'd love to have one like that.
    Don't you have a master degree in IT? (Or ict? I'm probably mixing it up with the abbrevation we use in dutch.)
    I just thought about something.
    Have you ever considered becoming a teacher?
    I propose a different course, race in shearing the appreciations towards beauty and meaningful ways of entertaining one's curious mind. :D
    Hey it's good to be depressed sometimes, I write really good stuff when I'm depressed.

    But for some more of your music fix, I'll play along and say, sure I don't want to be depressed. :D
    You are now officially responsible for some depressing things that I wrote in That girl's blog. :D

    Yes, it's great for reading sessions, and somehow it goes with my reading material really good at the moment because I'm half way through a book about Silvia Plat which has a major depressing and melancholy note itself.
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