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  • When you say you're on a roll, you ain't kidding. Your posts read like an MBTI article. Heeehee.
    And you can challenge me anytime, J. I don't take offence and I'll throw in the critical smack down. :)
    Yeah, I thought about this. Whether your a sensor or an intuitive largely depends on how you take in information from the world around you and its largely subconscious; I cannot see how it could be actively suppressed. In all likelihood, you were simply mistyped.
    I actually did notice your posting style shift in tone these past few days.

    It's always unfortunate to hear about someone being pushed into situations where they were forced to stifle their natural preferences and essentially, their true nature.. I'm curious, however, how is one even able to suppress their intuition? It's how you take in information in the world around you and its largely subconscious.
    yea I got that vibe about it and it's really not my thing... but my issue was with how I got discluded just because I answered truthfully about my age. I guess that kinda bothered me :( (sniff sniff)
    lol Oh geez and here. I thought you were just mucking around. My bad.

    INTP, hmm? I definitely didn't see that one coming, but I suppose...? I'll look back over some of your posts and see, but I'll be honest and say I never got the INTP vibe from you.
    tinychat eh, I went there once because someone wrote on my wall and invited me. I didn't know what it was about, but some guy asked me how old I was, then when I told him I was 38, everyone just ignored me, lol... shakes her head... "where's the love for the dinasours?"... or indeed rhinos...
    "running amuck"... haha, that's such a funny term :D

    I'm good, I have the giggles right now though. I was going to start a "drunk Ria" thread, but I'm wondering if I'll actually be needing the alcohol!

    How about yourself? How are you doing my friend? :)
    NAI, I've worked this out for you. It should appeal to your temporary insanity.

    All INTP's are losers.
    NAI is not a loser
    Therefore, NAI is not an INTP.

    With that out of the way... come over to my house and I'll fix you a cup of tea and hire an exorcist.
    That's it! This is war. I'll pull all of your head's eyebrow hair out when you're not looking
    I was just kidding, you've never actually bugged me (or been an ESFP I don't think). We're like two peas in a pod...or two heads on one body.
    That's a lot to be floating around in your head, but regardless of your type, I've always thought you were a pretty cool dude (well, not counting that half a hour you turned into an ESTP...that shit was scary!)

    Hope you're having a decent Saturday!
    I promise...I'll never leave home without you again. Unless I secretly try and get to you keep changing types. You know, for the lulz and what not.
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