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  • Why you should always check your kid's homework:
    You're the bestest best that ever bested the best of the bestest of the besting best best.

    Yes - it was. We were notified a week or so ago that our last day will be Jan 14th. We needed to be interviewed and turn in company issued items. They didn't want to do that around the holidays. There's also rumor we will be extended for 3 months. Considering what I heard during the "pink slip meeting" - I think there's actually a slim chance we will. [shrug] I would be very happy for financial reasons if it were to continue. Yet - I will still go through with my plans to have a place to live in the big city during the week. I will see about a loan - next week and then go from there.
    Thank you for thinking about Mom.
    Ah, the turtle. Nature's Winnebago Dweller. Most appreciated!

    BTW, here's my present for a handsome fellow like you:

    Good night John, may you have
    the merriest of christmases.
    Do not stay up too late.
    My day has been a busy one. Work was overloaded, and I work tomorrow on Christmas day too. Took my girls to their dad's this evening for his week... :( (will miss them and hope things go ok at his house). But my co-worker is over and we are going to watch the LOTR so that should be cool.

    How about yours?
    *kicks Nai out of the bed* You'r getting mighty comfy here, I see.
    Boundaries boy, boundaries! >: [

    ..and leave my books alone!
    Sure. I am off for dinner and then some chatting with family for a bit.
    But I have to work on my Forum Secret Santa gift, so I'll be on tonight.
    Hey, do you have to have a certain number
    of posts or something before you can
    edit your signature?
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