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  • I thought about you today John (not just today) and I cried like a little kid. I knew you were in pain, and I did try to help you. You taught me some important things in a very short time. We didn't get to know each other well. I wish I could have said/done something more to help. Take care man.
    Hey John. I just saw one of your posts and looked at that avatar I made you. Made me crack up. I don't even remember what the joke was anymore, but I do remember it made us both laugh until our sides split. It makes me feel closer to you that this little relic of our friendship continues to embody your presence on this forum. We had such fun together. 4 years and I still miss you terribly. I wish things were different. It would be nice to laugh with you again.
    cheering you with a cup of coffee.
    I miss you so much sometimes it is overwhelming. Other times I will not
    think of you for days. It is weird how the mind is. I know you know
    exactly what I mean.

    Love you forever ever friend.
    saw this fascinating story on datalounge and thought of you straight away. it came out of nowhere in a thread about dealbreakers. wish you were here to share it!!!

    I feel like this is the closest I'll get to "visiting your grave", so I'll leave these here for you.
    It's been 4 years and I still miss you like crazy, J.
    Hey John,

    I really did fuck up, huh? I wish I knew how to fix this. I've been trying to take your advice and I can't decide if it's helping or if I'm dodging down just another rabbit hole. Some days it feels like I'm breaking through, some days I look back and wonder if I'm kidding myself. You've been following me around in my thoughts these past few days and I feel like maybe talking to you would've helped.
    Hey John,

    Been thinking about you lately, given its that time of year. Right now I'm looking at your avatar and smiling. You had the best expressions.

    Miss you lots, my friend
    Good Afternoon John,

    I still can't believe it has been three years already. Of course, where you are time doesn't hold the weight that it holds here on Earth. I know you're happy, that you send love daily to all, and that you are learning many super cool lessons, but that doesn't stop me from missing you still. All of us do.
    Take care~
    P.S- Yes ,I did hear that whisper about yellow lilies this morning :)
    Missing you like crazy right now John! So many things have been going on that I need to talk about. You used to be there for me all the time as I was for you. I miss the nights gaming with you, or even just sitting around and talking about technology in general.

    I hope all is well for you. The wife and kids are miss you as well. You was their uncle John! I miss that when you used to come over, your greeting walking into the door was "Cook me a steak, Bitch". When you found out you could no longer have red meat, it changed to "Bake me a Cake, Bitch".

    I will let you go, I love ya man!
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