You know, I look back at the forums, this place being my home...I still log in. But I realize now that your death had so much more of an impact on us that we ever would have realized. Such a sad event had an impact on all of us sensitive people. I stopped logging in. So did many others. We moved on with our lives, but I think, to a certain degree avoided here, because what happened was so sad and tragic it broke all of our hearts. It isn't your fault of course. But I look at that, and I remember how many people you made laugh, I remember the tinychats we all had...back then, it was great. These are some of the best memories I have, the closest friendships I've ever had with people online, the longest lasting relationships. I wonder sometimes what the forum would be like if you were still here. I wish desperately that we had all grown closer, packed together, not given up. But we all just's not what you would have wanted. You were the first taste of death I ever encountered. I remember crying for days. Randomly, I'd break down crying. It was funny because I didn't really know you, but then, you were so very important to the forum, you just don't realize how important you were. When you died, I asked someone on youtube to make a video about suicide...I was trying to cope. Anyway, not too long after you passed, my sister had bouts with the same issues. I am so glad she didn't succeed. I still have you on my; I won't ever delete you. I still think it's kinda funny that the last song you scrobbled was Lil' Wayne – Lollipop. I don't know what I'm typing anymore. I'll leave it there.