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  • Oh my gosh he would love that.
    He just likes people so much.
    He's so social I never know what
    to do.
    That and so much more.

    Shortly afterwards I received
    a phone call and I was so
    tired! I was falling asleep and
    just sucking at conversation :x

    I blame it on the shower/warm
    towel combination.
    And now I'm doubting it's
    oscillated at all, I think he
    might just be saying isolated
    oddly, because isolated makes
    I didn't even realize that it
    was oscillated... I only thought
    about it after I thought of
    oscillating fans.
    You're welcome (:

    I think I might put the lyrics
    on the internet so others can
    find them.

    That's probably because
    I spelled it wrong :x
    "Dantell help me, my soul is back on
    its way to where it belongs. I feel
    crazy probably. I can't care about you.
    It's getting cold. I'll get there. I'm
    so ossilated. If I won't get there, I
    stay ossilated. I gotta pull the light
    on so I can see my body cause I don't
    feel it. I aint get no sleep. I'm scared
    of dying. Swear it baby, don't panic, my
    soul needs weaved back to the universe.
    Dantell help me, my soul is back on its
    way where it belongs. I feel space about
    me. I can't care about you. It's been cold,
    not empty. I'm so ossilated if I won't get
    there, I stay ossilated. I gotta pull the
    light on so I can see my body cause I don't
    feel it. I can't get no sleep. I'm scared
    of dying. Swear it baby, don't panic.
    My soul was weaved back to the universe."
    You paid for megavideo? My, my. Good for you!
    I don't know who that actor is. The only name I recognize from that film is Gemma Arteton and only because she's a girlcrush :)

    So, you up for a little movie sess tonight?
    Hey! I like that She Wants Revenge song! :)
    And high fives for Wolfmother. They're like, Robert Plant wannabes.
    OMG. I have a movie we should watch.
    "Clash of the Tians!"
    That looks ripe for Ne MSTing :)

    If you're up for it tonight :)
    Listening to a song I like a burden?

    I'm actually surprised I can understand it
    to be honest.
    What can I say, I get those a lot. *grin*

    So, "She Wants Revenge," "Wolfmother" or "Deftones"?
    Usually, I pay much more attention to the
    melodies and music than to the lyrics.

    If you want I can type up the lyrics for
    you? I don't know all of them, but if I
    listen to it a few times I should be able
    to understand them all. The only time
    I have a problem is when his voice
    is echo-y.

    I thought you would like that song
    when I posted it.
    This is the second time in
    my life I have heard the word
    "slizzard". Both times have
    been in the form of musical lyrics.

    I love warm towels fresh out of
    the shower. That's a really nice
    Nope, I ran earlier today.

    I just need my towels to get done

    I think buying a comfortable reading
    chair is a good idea.
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