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  • *hands whip to Squidsy*

    I just don't feel comfortable
    whipping you Nai...
    I was more nervous after the interview than during. I was very sick that day, I throw up all night so that interview was the least of my concerns. I'm still waiting to hear from people in the firm how I did. I don't think I'll watch it at all, I get very self-concious after seeing myself on video.

    I'm glad you are enjoying life, it's great to hear that! It's been a while since I felt good about season change, and I really don't like winter, not cold weather, but this year I feel good about it. I'm really glad for you!
    I'm good in general. Waiting to see what will turn out about my job, some tv crew came last week to interview me about it, it was a major deal in my company because they want to keep me, but will they be able to do so depends on the city mayor, so someone called tv station. Things have been hectic to say the least. :D

    How about you? What's new with you?
    Hunter S Thompson, and I'm pretty sure he's photoshopped over the Godfather.
    F fated ft. Fut F fot fo fee fy family.
    Fy fousin fot farried. Fis fife fas
    four fhildren. F fon't fnow fow fe
    fupports fim. Fe fs fery fappy.
    Faybe fhis fs fhat F feed, FOL!
    Hahahahaha!!!!! I ain't ridin' side saddle though. Might fall off - and lose the RACE!
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