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  • No, I am good, I think. I have 3 posters to finish before Monday night...and I still have homework to do and study for a midterm.

    I brought this onto myself lol but I like it.
    :twitch: What's that list for?

    I am using Photoshop CS 8.

    Edit: Oh that looks practical.
    Also, stop posting before I respond, it'll get confusing lol
    Tsk, damn Ti. :P

    I am still working on the posters...Photoshop stopped working last night, so I had to re-install. So much work, I need to find time to study lol
    It's shall be interesting this time. I needed an outlet of my madness. I am stuck inside or at school all day.

    Thank you. :)
    Perhaps. I like wearing hats in general.
    I have the perfect song to respond to your vid, but I am going to save it for later. ;)
    Right now, I need to go to bed. I'll ttyt.
    If you want to. I am leaving you the choice because you have colleagues and people you work with on Facebook. As for me, I know who I am in a relationship with, and that's all that matters.
    Either way it's fine with me. =)
    Hehe, I'll pass tonight. I have to get these posters done.
    Facebook might make things a lil easier for us, I thought. =)
    Oright, they'll be in your inbox when they're done. It might take a while tho, I am running low on energy. lol
    Nothing so far, they're coming along pretty well. I can send them to you when they're done for feedback tho? :D
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