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  • It went oright, not as well as I wanted it to, tho. Oh well.

    Need help with the organizing bit?
    Oh I should explain in the video they just toured their home country (Iceland) and showed up at random places giving free concerts...
    Speaking of crash...I'm gonna have to get to bed. :( But seriously: Try to see if what I told you duplicates the problem.
    Are you with them and on the computer at the same time? Nai, focus! :P

    I finished writing the emails, and I asked my pres for info, so now it's reading and then sleep time.

    I'll ttyt, enjoy your night.
    lol, that's what happens when I type too fast.
    in "need" of some D. ( my initial...for privacy reasons)

    Not sure yet, but maybe graphic on the back, logo on the right/left breast, and title on sleeve. I'll have to think about it.
    How's your night going so far?
    I am glad your day turned better than it started, and that you and your roommate get along better. It's nice to part on good terms. =)

    I got a new task, and that's to design sweaters that we can wear at the conference. I am going to brainstorm for that for a lil bit, write a few emails, then go back to finish my college readings, then head to bed early.

    I hope you have a fantastic evening with your friends, and can't wait to see you tomorrow.

    p.s. you can message me or write me on Facebook whenever you're in some D. love and affection. :P
    YES! It did. I am going to print it tomorrow and hang it around campus.
    I also spoke to someone in charge at the student union about the mailing list, and they said they'd take care of it. It turns out there's a lot of other information that was missing, and it was a mistake on their director's part.

    So I am expecting another newsletter sent out sometime tomorrow.

    How have your day been dear?
    I absolutely despise bureaucracy!

    Student Union completely ignored our request for advertising our JF program in their mailing list, because of some misunderstand in timing. I sent the email on EFFING time!

    Grrrr!!!! >: [
    Oh trust me, there are other things that will require more effort on your part.
    You get that because you reached the level of "Special". :P
    I just registered for conference. I was checking my inbox, before (Thanks for the article btw :smile: ) and now I am going back to studies soon. You?
    It's going to be for 3 days in Toronto, Ontario. Registration fees cover everything but transportation. So I am glad it's not far from where I live. lol

    Mmm, chicken thighs sound delicious.
    I don't think we have any Mosquitos left around. It's quite chilly in here this time of the year.
    I thought you were getting the scripting done on Thursday, or is there too much scripting to be done?
    It seems like you're doing a lot of work for a lot of departments. Good luck with that. =)

    I've been reading my Machine Process book and doing my homework for the same course. I have a midterm this Thursday. I sent out the poster, and they all loved it. Aaaand, I am going to sign up for the EWB National Conference that's happening in January. I am all so excited!

    Right now I am taking a break for food and such.
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