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  • Sports? you don't like sports? Not very typical...I like. :D lol

    That's good about finishing your refinance. What's the next step?
    blegh, paperwork.

    I am very excited and a couple of friends are going too, so that should be fun. How did last night go?
    I won't be on tonight. I'm immersed in all kinds of studying. But check your inbox, I left you a lil something.
    Have a good night tonight and a fantastic morning tomorrow.=)
    All the time.

    I like to experiment here.
    There are just so many flavours to tea and so many different blends and options.
    Sometimes it's overwhelming.
    I'm going to blame the colour change
    on the tilt of my screen. When I just
    tilted it back it went back to how it
    normally is.... but I like this mocha so
    I'm keeping my screen tilted oddly.
    And I am laying in a bed.

    I like dark, strong coffee to swim in.
    Also; I noticed you changed your colour-scheme.
    I like it.

    I feel like I'm swimming in different
    cups of coffee; flavoured to the tastes
    of each individual drinker.

    But I made him give it back because
    I'm trying to instill in him a sound
    moral compass.
    Yea, it's a tough situation, but I have a feeling that you'll find new job soon enough, you sound quite capable, and from what I've seen here you have a lot of potential.

    Nope, I don't need to talk about it, for now. But, really, thank you for asking. You people here are amazing. I can't thank you enough.
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