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  • Recordar el vocabulario correcto es dificil para mi.
    A veces me agarro queriendo usar palabras italianas :x

    We can talk in english if you'd prefer?
    Es frio?

    Tengo ganas de dirigirme a usted en el espanol mejorara por ultimo mi espanol.

    Esto es extrano que esto le envio (possibly just envo...) alli.
    I've been doing alright, not too much happening out of the norm so nothing to complain about? How about you? I know you've had some big changes in your life lately.
    I am on my 7 hr break doing some studying. I met up with my friend this morning, we had a fun chat. Then I get a text from another friend who also wanted to hang/rant. It's been a very social day for me.

    It's not class, it's tutorial. I am getting quite tired, so I don't know if I a gonna go or not anymore. I probably should. So yeah, I am skipping that for the JI lecture.

    Not too much left till work is over I assume? In any case, I don't want to take your time, even tho paperwork is not interesting. :P I'll go back to my studies till the event. 2 Midterms tomorrow then I'm free...ish. :D

    Have a great evening. :kiss:
    Just wondering.
    I had a feeling you'd be busy. I'll leave you to it then. =)
    Sorry, a friend was ranting about boy problems for 1/2 hour. :S

    I don't watch it anymore, I don't have cable, and it's not a popular sport in Canada.
    Cryptology sounds really interesting! You can easily catch up on the math stuff. If you ever need any help with your studies let me know, I'd be more than glad to help out. =)
    Is it weird if I said I used to watch MMA when I was a kid? lol I am surprised I didn't turn out all violent. :P

    That sounds like a good next step to me. Neuroscience really is intersting, although IT is still in demand and pays off well.

    EDIT: lol at rep. :smile:
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