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  • Hahahahaha

    That might not be bad idea (;
    I'm just kidding for real though,
    I would never intentionally drop
    my nephew. I cannot imagine my
    sister's reaction if I accidentally
    killed her child.
    Ike is really mean...

    I'm not sure Fdos can
    handle his ferocity. He
    sometimes makes me
    Yeah, they're about the same too :P

    My older nephew, he is three, is a little
    That baby looks a bit like my nephew (:
    the whole blonde hair, blue eyes, no teeth thing (:
    That is a very tough choice.
    I think we should get one
    with interchangeable options.

    I brought back some giant kelp.
    I miss my baby, too.

    It's okay to hit you when I'm not drunk, though? (;
    I feel as though integrated missiles is something we
    should wait for...

    I went to the aquarium. I was hoping to find Fdos
    a nice aquatic friend. I got lost. Atlantis is hard to
    find, you know.
    I think we should go for the bionic tent.
    He will be SO cool.
    That will be our squidsy! ^_^
    He'll be happier, that's what's important.
    We had just gotten out of the shower.
    We were both wet, I was going upstairs
    to get us dressed. All the moisture just
    made him slip out of my arms ):
    I'm actually really jealous of that weekend. Sounds like a nice relaxing one.

    I just woke up about an hour ago. Going to work in about three hours, and then hopefully knocking out a good portion of the planning for a linguistics case study I have to do. Then I do it all over again Saturday, and go out to dinner on Sunday with my parents. I can't wait until Monday night because Tuesday is my only day off.
    I tried it once but it had no effect on me.
    You can easily find the .wav files online for free by the way.
    It's some kind of 'music' that creates a certain reaction from your brain.
    It's kind of hard to explain, hmm.
    It stimulates the brain with soundwaves?
    Hey there John.
    I was looking at a post you made on someone elses profile, and I was wondering:
    Have you heard of iDoser?
    Oh yes, sometimes (well, all the time, really) sleep is absolutely essential!
    My night was just dandy fine. Pretty easy at work. Today I have to spend all of my mental resources studying for my final exam for a course I'm in. SIGH! Shouldn't have procrastinated it this long, but that's how I roll lol.
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