Well, my granddad broke his hip today, and I was with him at the hospital for the most part of the day while I should have been writing that thesis, for which the deadline expires this Thursday, I can't seem to reach the prof who needs to read it before I submit it, I'm having some concerns about my relationship that I need to talk about with my boyfriend but I can't find appropriate time for it, my granddad will probably be incapacitated for a long period of time, and I freaked a bit about it because I spent too much time taking care of my grandmother while she was in the last stage of Alzheimer's and it was not a pleasant job to do. I don't know somehow it all came together at the same time. If I go through that deadline with that paper, I'll have to pay money that I don't have and can't get, and I feel a bit guilty about thinking about it while my granddad is sick.
This was actually the short version. I don't want to bother you. I'll just push through it.