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  • Ooooo, I like all of the 'm' and 'f' repetitions. How would you like to do this for a living?
    Ohai; since you asked, the 'novel' is online in 5 episodes at ... near future pro-environmental scifi drivel for now that needs serious content/story-structure editing. It's far from done, too, since the original design was for 5 books... I think after editing and re-editing, it'll be whittled down to 3 (assuming I get back to it)
    From wiki :D

    The initial burst is usually followed by a longer-lived "afterglow" emitted at longer wavelengths (X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, infrared and radio).
    ooo, that's way too interesting not to research! *gets lost in the realm of internets*

    Haha, agreed. Although, I think it'd be fascinating if we can actually observe one as it's happening.
    That's interesting. Know anything about possible applications to such a laser?
    Hey, don't, I'm going to bed now in an attempt to sleep it off and hopefully shake it off. But thank you, even that you are kind enough to want to talk about it means a lot.
    Well, my granddad broke his hip today, and I was with him at the hospital for the most part of the day while I should have been writing that thesis, for which the deadline expires this Thursday, I can't seem to reach the prof who needs to read it before I submit it, I'm having some concerns about my relationship that I need to talk about with my boyfriend but I can't find appropriate time for it, my granddad will probably be incapacitated for a long period of time, and I freaked a bit about it because I spent too much time taking care of my grandmother while she was in the last stage of Alzheimer's and it was not a pleasant job to do. I don't know somehow it all came together at the same time. If I go through that deadline with that paper, I'll have to pay money that I don't have and can't get, and I feel a bit guilty about thinking about it while my granddad is sick.

    This was actually the short version. I don't want to bother you. I'll just push through it.
    Oh, I'm having a few very crappy days, and I'm upset with myself because I just can't get myself out of that foul mood, that I take all that too serious, and that I actually have no time to deal with it properly which makes me very frustrated. You know, when things just start to fall apart for no apparent reason.
    And I thought I
    was the violent
    one in our relationshipppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.
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