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  • Nervous would be an understatement. I've only taught and tutored adults before, and they really wanted to be there. I'm hoping that tomorrow I can kinda just observe so I can get comfortable in the setting, but I doubt that will be the case. Some one-on-one or group work would be ideal.

    I'm at that point right now where I'm nervous enough that I don't want to all. I'll force myself into going, I just hate the anxiety I feel in new situations.
    I think one is English and the other is History, but I'm uncertain. When I met with the principal she was rather brief and seemed in a hurry. I guess I'll find out for sure tomorrow.
    Yeah, it's some student teaching. I think it will be interesting to see the differences between middle school kids and the ESL class I taught, and what similarities they might share.

    I'd love to hear about it some time. I'm not generally on MSN, but I'll get on if we're both online.
    I'm doing pretty good. I snuck home to get a little me time and lunch before the rest of this dreadfully long day. I start working at a local middle school tomorrow, so I'm nervous and excited about that.

    How is that meditation going for you? I'd like to hear more about your experiences sometime if you ever feel like sharing.
    I am disappointed you did not go to my first class and meetings today, but it's okay I forgive you.
    Yeah, Wednesdays can kiss my @$$. I do have a three hour break in the middle, but it's filled with meets today. The coffee maker is too far away, I cannot get out of bed!!!
    For a bonus, I'll pay you if you get to Lansing and go to class for me today. I want to stay in bed forever. It's not that bad, it's just from 10am-10pm. Come on! Please?
    The kitchen gets the best sunlight in my house.

    I don't separate mine at all.
    Fuck 'em.
    I am sitting on the kitchen floor naked.
    For real.
    I never get to do this.

    Do you separate your colours when you do laundry?
    Sweet! That's good to hear. =) I've had a day of making phone calls and running errands, which sounds lucklustre I'm sure lol but I've been doing what I'd been putting off :p so all in all it's been pretty good!
    I always say that whenever anyone makes the argument that absence makes the heart grow fonder and visa-versa.
    I like to remind people that things aren't so black and white.
    Really they probably just think I'm being a pessimistic bitch
    but meh.

    What are you doing with yourself?
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