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  • I enjoy asian vegetable soup quite a bit.

    My parents met at a biker rally. It's hard
    for me to fathom this.
    I'm okay.
    I'm thinking about my plants.
    I'm thinking how I should just
    buy some plain pots and decorate
    them according to the plant and
    then repot them all.
    I don't really feel that well. My head
    hurts and I'm slightly nauseous.
    It's loud outside. All I can hear are

    How are you?
    I am off to bed. Got an early class tomorrow morning. =)

    EDIT: ZOMG! I have taken over your wall! lol
    If you are talking about loans for studies and such, they include everything, from everyday life expenses to rent to transportation to school fees. Which is awesome in a way, but also means you're gonna have to pay off a huge debt when you graduate. lol

    Also, if you end up studying in BC I might have an excuse to go there. :P
    Well, studying as a perm. resident is definitely much cheaper, because you're paying the same amount as a Canadian citizen. I think you can also apply for immigration as a student as well, if you don't want to apply for a job. I think a job will take up lots of your time when you're at college.

    Seeing family won't be difficult. You can easily travel in and out of the US if you so wish to. You guys aren't that far you know. ;)
    Both GPAs are good enough to get into any college you want in Canada and we have no such thing as ACT (I think..). Not sure about the GPA required in the US tho. Talking to Admissions would be the best way to go about I guess. I am excited for you!
    It will all depend on where is it that you go to for studies. Did you decide on colleges yet?

    lol! Yup, you got it. That's the way it goes usually. :P
    Oh, you are going to have so much fun studying that. It's an interesting field that is still growing, so there's room for innovation and research. Just don't let academics and institutional education get to you, try to have as much fun as possible while learning. =)

    I know. I appreciate it, really. Don't worry, I will be smiling pretty soon, before I even know it. It's in my nature. :P
    Two friends who are dating being all coupley around me. Being the odd wheel is never fun. lol That and a few things have me stressed out, but I'll manage somehow. =)

    Any exciting things you have in your grand plan? :D
    Bah, not so good. Damn chest pain...and loneliness lol.

    How have you been?
    Yeah! I forgot about that! I mean there is absolutely no way that would wind up with me in jail.
    That's what you have to pay for Royal Conservatory of Music level lessons though. If you want someone who's highly accredited and certified then that's how much they charge. Some of them charge even more than that. If I want to get back to the level I was before and then surpass it, I need someone who is highly trained, because I only play classical music. But I think it might be worth it!
    I am super duper out of practice. It looks like it might stay that way. Lessons are about 200 dollars a month for the level I need. sigh!
    hmm. Nothing is new lol. Nothing has really changed. I've been looking into piano lessons though. They're expensive here!
    Well, going to bed at a decent time and waking up before noon is a start lol. Also not feeling as heavy or weighed down by emotions. Feeling slightly more productive as well.
    I'm a-okay. I seem to be making some progress over here. Sort of haha. But I definitely feel a bit better. How about you?
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