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  • *Dreamily plops self down into seat, orders something wonderfully French, and marvels*

    So, any idea where we are? Lol.
    Dude that was the most epic line of wall message I've ever had. You've given me a lot to think about. I want to get back to you on it, but just be warned it might take a couple of days. Seriously though, awesome!
    Yeah, we really are. The thing is is how? A select few get so rich off of it, and until we riot in the streets I really don't see how it will chance =/ I'm curious as to what your thoughts are.

    And thanks for the rep, I really appreciate the message!
    You don't need me.

    Your imagination wouldn't fathom someone you don't need.
    You want to tickle my gills O.O
    What if you make me pee my pants??
    What will F2 think!?!
    I'm just going to get a gill transplant.
    I think it'll really help my baby and I
    to bond.
    No occasion, ever friday engineers throw a party at the school's bar. I am going with a friend because she needs someone to go with her..

    That's good. A move like that needs lot of planning. Well, I 'll leave you to it. I am off to college. If you need help with anything let me know :)
    I just put in a load of laundry.

    I think he may have been checking the
    meter. I realized that today is the first,

    I might take a nap at five.
    Party tonight, then LOTS of studying for the next two days. lol I have midterms coming up next week.

    Aw, that sounds so good. Mmm, what an easy life it'd be.

    Deal! who needs college anyways? :P
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