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  • She is a golden retriever.
    She's old. Her name is Saffy.
    Her whiskers are orange.

    You didn't strike me as one to sleep
    on his bike.
    I woke up at six. I laid in bed.
    I made a pot of coffee. I did
    three loads of laundry. All of
    which still need to be folded
    I took my dog on a walk I
    read several articles. I am
    talking to Sven.

    There is an exact play
    by play (; super duper
    exciting, je sais.

    Do you sleep on your stomach?
    Thank you for your organized and thought out response.

    And no, I have not read any of the studies.
    Care to share them with me?? :P

    I will follow through. Yes.
    I know I use disclaimers...

    but I honestly cannot think of
    how I could offend you doing
    this. So I think we'll be okay (:

    Why did you ask me about this?
    - doing this with you?
    I would like both if possible.
    I like to be thorough.

    As for Vipassana and Samatha, I feel
    as though both could be useful.

    Are you sure you want to share experiences with me?
    I have never. I am serious.

    I would have pretty eyes if my father were asian.
    I just know it. Instead of my mother's dominant
    Nothing with cheese.
    It hurts his tum-tum.

    I thought I told you I would before?
    I have been feeding him all sorts of
    crunchy things. He enjoys crunchy.

    Oh he will.
    I've been keeping him
    "cultured" in terms of
    food choices.
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