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  • Are you kidding? Self-doubt should have been my middle name. I don't know if I'll ever be able to change that... It would be nice. But the spiraling part - me no likey at all.

    Please give me a slap to the face if you see me begin the death spiral.
    I understand and I'm not upset. I don't know the whole story and I'm not one for gossip so I'd rather not be intertwined. He has been harassing before to one of my friends on the forum but he's always been courteous toward me so I personally never had an issue with him. If that situation really did happen, I hope the mods investigate and ban him. That's despicable.
    +1 for your most recent blog entry ("before you defend him").

    If that video had been directed at anyone, it would have been inexcusable, but who he targeted made it especially so.
    Call me naive... But now I am really seeing the dark side of this forum.

    The troll cave is an ugly place, indeed. :(
    That's why I included no sensory attraction :P

    Your blog reminds me... I should long onto PerC...
    Truly so. If his ego gets any more over-inflated, he might simply float away. I would prefer to not feel guilty for having aided in this tragedy.
    I just like to give Stu crap because I know he'll understand that I'm joking and that he'll probably give as good as he gets. ;)

    There's probably someone out there who would've reacted adversely to my post and thought I was being serious, but luckily Stu's pretty fly. Don't tell him I said that, though, it'll go to his head.
    That's usually if it's only bi-polar II and not many people tend to do that. It's only occurrent in about 10-20% of sufferers and they would have to have about 3-4 manic episodes over a course of a year to be diagnosed as rapid cycling. It is terrifying, nonetheless. I've seen a bi-polar patient during a manic stage and she would sit in one area, rock back and forth, scream for about 5 minutes, and then draw all over the walls. It's quite intense to witness, let alone live/know someone who has gone through it. Yeah... addicts suck. I think it's the long-term effects of being involved with an addict that can be truly damaging, especially if it's a parent or loved one. Ultimately, no mental disorder is worse than another... they're all tough to deal with, especially if you've been victimized by people who have them.
    Unfortunately, I do. I've known quite a few in my day. I think that people with personality disorders (like Borderline Personality Disorder) are a lot scarier though.
    I'm also an INTJ who is a psych major that is focusing on forensics.... I'd be damned if I didn't know it. LOL
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