That's usually if it's only bi-polar II and not many people tend to do that. It's only occurrent in about 10-20% of sufferers and they would have to have about 3-4 manic episodes over a course of a year to be diagnosed as rapid cycling. It is terrifying, nonetheless. I've seen a bi-polar patient during a manic stage and she would sit in one area, rock back and forth, scream for about 5 minutes, and then draw all over the walls. It's quite intense to witness, let alone live/know someone who has gone through it. Yeah... addicts suck. I think it's the long-term effects of being involved with an addict that can be truly damaging, especially if it's a parent or loved one. Ultimately, no mental disorder is worse than another... they're all tough to deal with, especially if you've been victimized by people who have them.