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  • Haha, I agree. I'd say that that was the best scene in the movie, pretty much. Everything else, while good, was to be expected. Hmm. Wow, I'll look out for it then, sounds like a decent movie. Oh, nice! I think? lol. I'm not back on campus yet but the day classes are supposed to start is the same day that the campus is supposed to be hit with a pretty big snow storm. It'll be interesting. If it happens, I'll enjoy playing around with my friends. If it doesn't, I'll enjoy my new classes lol. Three days? Wow. That's pretty intense. Does your school not do a day by day observation or the weather or is the storm that bad?
    I really liked your response to the 'favorite times of the day' thread. It was pretty poetic and kind of perfect. Or, I agreed with it, anyway.
    Oh my god. I just realized this character is not only my favorite character in Inception but he is also in one film that I recently watched that I adore, brick. It's kind of amazing that I never put the two characters together. I've never seen 500 days of Summer, why do you like it? I'm doing decent, just lounging around before I go back to college.
    Hey! Sorry to bother you, who's the guy in your avatar? Also. Hello, how are you, all that jazz :p
    Hey! Thanks for the reputation points!

    I noticed that you are interested in doing Peace Corps. That is pretty cool! What area do you want to do?

    I was going to apply for admission to it with the water resources plan, so I could start on July of this year... but I have been admitted into grad school and have decided to put it off for a while.
    hey no need to feel embarrassed, LOTR was a kick ass trilogy. i didn't read the books til afterwards, but i was glad i did. as far as soccer goes i can't say as i'm up to date on all that, i have some friends who are. i move more towards western sports like pro football and nhl, though i like college basketball too. studying abroad sounds like a dream come true, i mean travel, hands on experience, exciting events taking place every class, whats not to love? i had heard the term study abroad before, but i never really knew what it meant. what did you have to do to get hooked up with a sweet gig like that?

    as far as music genre goes i don't really care about any of that, prob is i don't really know alot of those bands except by name (except for system of a down who i also loved with a passion, big big fan),but ill have to look them up, which would you suggest if you had to pick one out of the bands you mentioned? recently i've been going on kind of a 90's pop rock kick like guster, better than ezra, vertical horizon, goo goo dolls stuff like that. i've got some music staples that i love to go back to like pink floyd, rush, tool, but at any given time im more likely to be listening to stuff i haven't heard before, thats how i found circa, blues traveler, counting crows, and others that don't readily make the radio. mike portnoy is one of my fav drummers in terms of putting organic fills in a techincal nature within a song. have you heard any of his new stuff with avenged sevenfold? hes a good replacement for j sullivan i'd argue.
    and thanks about the poetry, yeah that is actually an older piece of mine and bc i don't really write much anymore i figured i'd post a few older ones.

    so as far as college goes, what have you thought about the experience so far? the whole thing is exciting but a bit daunting for someone who hasn't been to school in 6 years. any advice you'd give to someone just starting out?
    thats sweet you're into NZ, i mean i'm surprised more people Aren't excited about that place. from the show i saw there are just so many different things you can do there, n2mention the natural beauty of the rolling hills and shoreline, what do you like about it? i've gotta admit i'm a bit jealous of you heading to SA. i just had a friend tell me how wonderful it is down there when we went down for the world cup last summer, what're you headed down there for? and actually i think i can see what you're saying about never settling down, i mean when i realize all the different options and choices i have with any aspect in my life sometimes its difficult to settle down with just one, i'd be willing to bet travelling is the same way for me.

    well i played the drumset, i still do with the band, i just don't practice anymore. see i was trying to make it big through a competition; heres a link to my blog its got my competition solo on it along with some poetry if you're interested: http://forums.infjs.com/showthread.php?t=13244

    and you know i couldn't agree more about being glad that i discovered this now, earlier on in my life than when i had invested 7 or 10 years into something i didn't enjoy. yeah on letting go is a great album, and thats one of my fav tunes, the whole vibe of the song is just so original to me. the greatest lie is another one i really dig off that. what other bands are you into?
    hey i hear you about wanting to travel, me2. any areas of interest yet? i used to watch this travelling show and it really got me interested in seeing what this world can be like outside of the us, like new zealand, greece, switzerland places like that. at one point i was considering a career in music and i thought thatd eventually get me to different places, but i really wasn't all that happy with the job description as it was pretty isolated and not all that fulfilling bc i didn't really feel like i was making much of a difference. see i'm the same way you are in terms of wanting to help others and it didn't feel like i was making anyones life any better but my own. n2mention i wasn't all that excited about knowing that much about music as i thought i would be haha. other than that i really don't think i'd want to do anything else except maybe a writer, i've always loved fiction and short stories/poetry, what about you?
    well i'm hoping to do counseling too, but i dont know which type yet. what would you do in a job in public health? you know at one point i was considering going for a ph.d in personality psych after a BA and who knows things may go that way, but the idea of being in the trenches so to speak, helping people more directly seems like it'd be more rewarding, so thats where i'm at right now, just trying to get myself into a school for the spring semester right now. what was it that got you interested in psych?
    The following link gives a good explanation of what is happening: http://www.worldsocialism.org/articles/what_is_capitalism.php

    I think its best to understand what is happening and to engage with it because that enables the individual to be more proactive in protecting themselves and their wealth

    If enough individuals engage with it then they can actually make things change
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