Don't apologise, I agree with you, and I love reading about and discussing ideas about this kind of thing.
My friend who is a writer in Hollywood posted a picture on Facebook of a magazine he saw in a waiting room rack. On the mag cover was a woman, but her eyes were covered by the rack, but the rest of her face was visible. I thought it was Heather Graham, then I thought it was Kate Bosworth. He thought it was... erm, someone I don't even know. One of his friends correctly identified it as Adele. I was sure I was right about Kate Bosworth, but it turns out Adele has a cleft in her chin. How wrong I was!
Can I just say, veneers give me the creeps. A mouth full of brown teeth is not that nice to look at... but I sort of think that veneers are just as bad. I think my teeth are not beautiful, I was coached to smile in a certain way while I was working in gay bars that makes people interpret my smile as attractive, but really my teeth are not very nice. But there's something very unattractive about the veneer look that is just as bad as a mouth full of brown teeth. Creepy.
"Bolted on breasts"!!! haha.
Sorry this remark is not very polite, I noticed that you posted previously that you had had a rhinoplasty, it appears to have respected existing characteristics of your face.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. My birthday was underwhelming. But I'm still here