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  • Have you tried any alternative medicine? Taking Mg pills seems to help, and for a while I took some Chinese herbal pills for migraines that were beneficial.
    Sorry for taking me a whole month to respond to your message. I had to stop with a treatment that was beneficial for my migraines and now I'm having them a lot again. What are you doing about your migraines?
    Nah, girl, not brave. We're all only human, and we've all got scars on our hearts.
    Most of the time….it’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t type thing too.
    Should you mow the lawn….probably not…pop some pills and mow it…then spend the next 3 days wincing…most people don’t get Chronic pain and how it effects someone to the core.
    Here’s a good letter that has been circulating the internet for some time.

    If it isn’t too personal…what’s your diagnosis?
    It really does not matter. Those initials you used in your bio aren't going to keep me confused.
    You're welcome. But misunderstood what before? Sorry, still confused with layout and such here.

    I don't usually write much in biographies for websites. I'm not a big social media user. Anything in particular I can clear up for you though?

    I'm here because I'm an INFJ and I noticed some interesting discussions here.
    Welcome to the forum, and thank you for the thumbs. I thought you might have misunderstood why I posted that before. Also very happy you showed me.
    So, why are you here, I wonder? I don't understand all your biography initials, but guess it has something to do with reading and some form of sciences?
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