Thanks. It's such a tremendous relief to take down my own walls, but ripping up the foundations is harder. And even stumbling out into such a tricky thing. Trying to navigate the strange world of human interaction, with creatures who seem SO different. And then, of course, it's not like I'm willing to accept bad treatment just because I'm not willing to let self-protection imprison me in isolation. It's a necessary thing that should be done prudently while in the process of trying to achieve a bigger, more important goal: worthwhile connection. However, I've definitely decided I'd rather err on the side of risking a little pain than being too vigilant. At this point in my life, I actually think I could handle it better. As to the difficulty of finding like minds IRL, I'm hoping to pick a grad school in an area where there's a larger a concentration...? Easier said than done, if feasible at all, lol.