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  • :) :)
    yeahp I think so. People here are reeeeeeeeaaaalllllllyyyyyy helpful and comforting and stuff like that :)
    I'm fine :) :)
    How about you? :hug:
    Thanks. I don't think it will be stressful because I don't care so much about him anymore. People tend to be so stupid and shortsighted.

    I wish you a great weekend my friend!
    hmmm.... been 6 minutes since last message and still no add... must really be ducking me
    Hehe! Yes, a cage dancer! :D I have a wild side, too! Only if I don't have a wonderful person to be devoted to, though, because then the wild side is only for them! :D
    Yes definitely, I am really looking forward to it. I can't wait to start :D. Reading lots and lots is definitely my thing - I love Rosetti's poetry in particular. The only problem i'm worried about is making friends there lol. Which uni did you go to?
    only ok? ;)

    i'm doing good. antibiotics worked pretty fast, i'm glad because i have so many things to do this week.
    How could you not have friends in real life? Are you being sarcastic with me?
    Oh dear. I'm in one of those literal and brooding moods today..

    Well, I don't want to say INFJs are problematic friends, because indeed the friendship is very peaceful and enjoyable and there's never a fight or manipulation even if I do manage to irritate someone with my xFxP laxidaisical ways. In fact, it really gives me a sense of loneliness because those are the friends that I feel in sync with, like we usually get one another..

    But I could make more of an effort to be on time and be more consistent in plans..and more ladylike..
    I found the picture and added the quote and edited it in photoshop. :mf:
    It's the very first one I ever did. I will take the hug as my wish. :hug:
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