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  • heh you read my mind. I refuse to make another post until I can think of a good wish. Hee than you for the compliment on my picture. I think I'm wicked funny looking myself. Eye of the beholder and all that jazz. You, on the other hand are absolutely adorable!

    Off to go glare at my story some more. Hee.
    You can do it!!!!!!!! :) :) :hug: :hug:
    You're so cuutee!!!!!!! you're like a teddy bear brother to me bwahahahaha... I heard your voice in the INFJ shout-outs thread!!! :) it's sooo cool :)
    Thanks dear, I appreciate the rep and the caring words. I've missed how well you love and look after us here on the forum, I appreciate you so much! *hugs*
    Now I'm jealous and happy that you might have the opportunity to meet him, at the same time. :D I hope some divine intervention sends him your way.
    Hehe, yes you have to!!! Do you have other finished stories? I would very much like to read your work!! xxx
    I love that movie and Kate Hudson is so beautiful in it.

    He should be living somewhere relatively near you, right? (Now I have admitted my stalker and groupie tendencies fully :D )
    He is like my number one crush and a reason for wishing that I was born in the fifties and had a chance to be his groupie. :D

    You'll be notified as soon as I mail yours! Thanks again!
    I am quite well today, thank God. I feel inspired by all my friends, life, and the world again. :) I hope you are doing well today too! :D
    Good day, my adorable Elf! I wish you many blessings and good cheer! :)

    And also, much love because you are that wonderful! :D
    Hi Elf! How are you? Did you have a nice Memorial Day? I've been sick-first with a respiratory thing and then had some food poisoning after a wedding I attended. I'm doing fine now though and had a nice weekend.
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