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  • really really really really really really really really really!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? YEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I love babies... !!!!!!! ahahahahah what does an elf baby look like? :p

    ahahahaha I am yet to have one :p <--- not a baby.. the pot of gold ahahahaha :p
    I like all of the bands you just mentioned :p
    Except KISS. I haven't really spent the time getting to know them to be honest.

    Do you know Heaven and Hell?
    Haha I've seen them on the black ice tour too :)
    Although I don't really liked the cd..

    Did you also get to see 'The Answer'? If so, did you like them?
    Hi cutie elfie brother :p ahahahahaha you're not an elf.. you're a person who wants to be an elf :p ahahahahaha anyways you are a great friend/brother of mine.. always helping :p I thought you quit your job? and changed job?

    elfie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I really want to see if your baby is going to be an elf too :) :p (in the near future)

    your weird leprechaun sister :)
    You are doing a good job of selling your point.. I am not ready to leave yet :)
    but I also have this eerie feeling I have walked into the Dragons den.
    I know too well the duality INFJs can posses
    A few cases of mistaken identity, but otherwise things are well. not the friendliest of places,but then it is a smallish community and I can understand that things get familiar.
    Some very deep people. and I need help with my Fe and I think this just might be the place for that
    Thanks for asking and looking in on me :)
    I'm going to sleep now, but I wanted to hug you, just because you're here. :hug:
    Hehe! I know. But it is a really good suggestion! I haven't decided whether to continue on or leave it as is as of yet, though. Still pondering possibilities..
    As for mother henning the creative process, I've been guilty of the same. Anytime my friend takes me along on his photographic journies, I tell him where to stand and which angles to shoot. After a five minute glare from him, I did learn to tone that down quite a tad..
    No my friend, your mind is fully intact. I just decided to allow visitor messages because a few friends had asked me to. Thanks for the writing well wishes! I've really been thinking about what you mentioned, just leaving the story at that. Thanks dude! Take care!
    you're soo warm and cozy :) :) ahahahahahaha
    the guy's actually a commentator :) :) ahahahahaha he really looks like an elf... :) :) :) :)

    you're not an elf!! :) :) :P :P bwahahahahahahaha
    hi brother!!! :) :) :) hello hello hello!!! :) :) :) ahahahhaha snow!!!!!!!!! are you still working in the library? the same library? :) :)
    there's this guy in the church that reminds me of you ahahhaha :) :) he reminds me of an elf :) :)
    Sounds like you guys are really getting it. I'm glad you can still get around. Are the cities able to clear it pretty well? I live near Toronto, but we haven't had very much snow this winter. It snowed a bit again yesterday, more than what has been typical so far, but nowhere near the amount we get some years. I'm glad. I like parts of winter but on the whole I'd prefer to be living by the coast, somewhere where the days are long and sunny and the climate is warm or at least warmer. :)
    Hugs Elfy, I feel like I miss you for some reason! I'm doing alright, how are you?
    hello!!! :) :) :) i'm fine... ahahahah the cancer thing ahahah i was just super paranoid.. because recently i have been praying for people with cancer.. because i have an aunt who recently died because of cancer.. and my parents' close friend has cancer.. and my parents' friend's cousin has cancer.. and last christmas, i was inspired by a person who has cancer.. and i thought that it was a sign ... :(

    but then....... thankfully, the doctor said that the lump was just some hormonal change.. :) :) :) :) :)

    ahahhahahaha THANK GOD!!!!
    :) :) :) how about you? i hope you're okay!!!! and happy and loved :) :hug: :hug: :hug:
    It's going pretty well, thanks. It's quite cold, even if not as cold as it could be, so I'm looking forward to spring too, and the long hours of daylight that will come.
    Have you had a lot of snow where you are?
    you are enjoying soup and here i am doing my work. :D Very busy today with studies. I am doing fine with everything. :)
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