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  • Mostly good:) But today is one of days when I am not aware of that:) As Scarlett O'Hara;) said: Tomorrow is another day. How are you?
    Horrible insomnia.. But otherwise I am doing brilliant.. Consciouisly quit smoking weed (meaning by choice. not lack of availaiblty or funds) and been taking St John's wort.. having a very positive effect except the lack of sleep.. Thanks for asking .. You are a very warm person.. rare indeed.. how are you doing?
    I didn't do anything! LOL I got to sleep in so that was good. Hopefully next weekend I can actually GO somewhere. :D
    Awe! I'm doing pretty good actually thanks, just trying to balance school, work and family but I'm getting support where I need it. I have been thinking about that lately, and I am very aware of how much of that positive love and manifestations are present in my life due to your prayers for me. I only hope you are well and happy too, my dear friend. *hugs*
    Ah! How kind of you! I appreciate your effort in welcoming me. You've inspired me to work on an intro for myself! Until then Sir.
    Oyaknow.. I can't complain. Feeling pretty mellow and laxadaisical. How you?
    Well, an opportunity to practice gratitude can be a beautiful gift. I'm glad you had the skill to implement. Consumer hell is a rough place, so to survive it's wise to bring along all tools you can hold. ;)
    It's had unexpected pleasant surprises and unanticipated disappointments, but overall has delivered calm seas. I am happily sitting on the deck of my ship taking in the scenery. :)

    Has your day been giving you gifts of beauty and joy today? I hope that for you.
    I only know black sabbath and dio from their old days.
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