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  • I've heard a lot of good things about Tom Baker. While I've seen some older episodes, I really started watching Doctor Who with the revival.
    I think Matt Smith is possibly my favourite Doctor so far. There's something about his manic energy and over the top zaniness that attracts me. It's not really a surprise since I have a thing for ENxPs.
    Hey Hey, I'm alright (: I feel tired today but then I just woke up! :P Right now I am making some oat meal. Feel free to take your time. You fascinate me as well (:
    Charlene. I like it :) I'm glad to hear you had a good break! Everyone needs one. Did you go away or just get a day off? I'm doing ok! I;m pretty tired at the moment, but just getting through life at the moment. I need to start thinking about christmas...insane. Can't believe it's only 5 weeks now! The munchkin is doing well. Really annoying me today. She resents my doing housework, considering she's very messy, this is a problem! I think we'll just go out today. How is yours doing? I'd say the why stage is trying!
    I used to listen to them too but not very fanatically, they do have a douchey vibe, I think, but I don't care (maybe because I haven't sen them live or just don't care enough).
    Yes, it's been nice talking :) You do have a beautiful (nick)name. Sleep tight!
    haha I listen to them when I work out, it just fits very well :laugh: I used to attach SOAD to one creepy person (because he was the one who let me borrow one of the SOAD's albums in the no-Internet era), it took me this long to be able to listen to them again.
    oh yes, now everything is available, videos included! No need to tape them from MTV on VHS :D the quality makes me shiver when I remember haha
    I enjoy all of them but don't listen to 100% of everything or all the time, so to speak. It depends on the mood.
    System of a down were neurotic! :) I actually listen to them lately... again after many years of not listening. I have mixed memories when it comes to SOAD.
    The bands were my favourite too. Also Deftones and some more :) and MTV used to be a music channel haha
    Oh, that is awful of me for not recognising the avatar! I apologise. How are you doing?
    That dream sounds completely realistic. I've often thought of trying a kickboxing class, but haven't gotten around to doing it yet. And I will be in Asia someday and may go to Australia after!
    It's good to see you around here again. :) Thanks for calling me awesome. I still think you're really awesome too! :hug:Hope everything has been going well for you.
    Ah! I was like, "who's this charlene person showing up on my friends online list?" And then all the pieces came together. : ) Hope you've been doing well, person whose name once started and ended with "A." ;)
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