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  • I was thirsty, so I woke up and couldn't fall asleep after that. I'm attempting to write now, going very slowly, need inspiration, so I'm "sponging"
    Thank you dear, it is fine, my day is just starting –4.30am lol How have you been?
    oh... I don't know, there are too many! I always go through phases and it's Black, Indifference, I Am Mine, Blood, and Do the Evolution right now, but it's always drifting around :)
    : ) I am just fine. I'm just really grateful that you put the effort into sharing everything you do and believe in.
    Heard things are going well for you and I'm really excited for you =D I see you've been on the forums a lot more lately. Glad you've been getting a little more down time these days, seeing the family and all that. =D *showers with cuddles back*
    I want to thank you for all the comments you ever write me back and putting so much effort in them, I really appreciate it :hug:
    It doesn't come across as sexist at all. Sadly, feminism isn't even on the radar for a lot of men, but oppression dehumanizes everyone, and I believe that emancipation from such inequality is everyone's concern. I'm really hoping for a better tomorrow as well! I hope today is finding you well :)
    The former, though I would not decline your opinion.
    I have seen in many threads your ability to
    capture the bare essence of things =)

    Likewise! I hope your day goes well.
    A lot of places you like-- and I think for different reasons too. That's great. :)
    that 'bardot' place sounds like a beautiful place.. is it a recurring place in your dreams?

    My favorite place for now, I think, is my mental world. I'm cheap like that.
    I've been to Hong Kong and I love the spirit, very lively and crowded (even though it can get pretty bubble-y at times)..but that's only in a tourist's perspective.

    boys or girls? (take it any way you'd like)
    I forgot about turmeric!! I've been taking it for about three months now after reading that its great for reducing inflammation. I had a really bad sciatic nerve flare up in October. I think it's helped a lot, the pain is 95% gone.. But it could also be that I bought a new bed... Anyway, I'm going to stick with the turmeric. I was drinking about 3 cups of dandelion tea a day for about a month, would that be long enough? Now that I think of it, I read tulsi is a great health tonic...have you used it?

    How do you make flower essences?
    I haven't so much.
    I know very little about it. I use dried peppermint leaves for tea when I have an upset stomach, and it works almost instantly.
    I was drinking dandelion tea to detoxify for awhile, but I don't think I noticed anything different.
    I use essential lavender and rose oil a lot for skin and hair, but that's about it.
    Do you have any to recommend? What are your favorite to use?
    Pray, share your wisdom! lol
    Lol I would definitely say I am not detail-oriented enough for the rituals...
    Every now and then I feel drawn to it, but I think I may have attracted things to me that I shouldn't have or didn't truly understand.
    yes, exactly, i can't even look at them, think of them.....no idea where it came from!
    hate maggots but i do alright now... still won't eat them ahah
    i have no clue how it looks like there ahah not as first-hand experience. there must be snakes and spiders.... not a fan of those
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