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  • i am going ot send you a pm later. It's high time. I'm an awful friend! Thinking of you often xxx

    I'm very happy to hear you're fine and life treats you well (because it damn should!). I hope to see you more around when you're back! :)

    I enjoyed my break quite a lot, maybe even too much if such thing exists :D
    Hello my darling! Thank you so much for the lovely pm...I have not forgotten you, I just haven't had the time to reply to you properly yet! Thinking of you xx
    lol I'm a total Fat Friar. What kind of cheese shall I bring, and what kind of wine are you offering? hahaha
    i was reading the messages you sent to me a little while back when i was having such a hard time, and i wanted to thank you again for being so kind and caring to me. it meant a great deal, and it still does.
    just wanted to tell you that again.
    have a great day!
    hello charlene

    this is me introducing myself to you. My name is Reggie. When I would talk to Kgal about spirituality/reincarnation etc, she had mentioned that if I were to make a thread about it, that I should tag you in it. I never made a thread, but I'm figuring if she mentioned you, that we must be on a similar wavelength. so nice to meet you :D
    Of course not! And I would love to tell you what I think of you.

    I will respond to your rep in a PM. I started to in a rep. comment but there was just too much to say for a rep comment.
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