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  • Still tuckered out, but better! =))) Thank you for asking charlene!
    Hope life is going easy on you. Things always sound like fun for you on the home front!
    Hey charlene I'm well, I actually think I'm dealing with issues of aloneness right now. In meditation I'm encountering disorientation and self rejection, beneath which appears to be a feeling of abandonment. I think it is this feeling that is driving my recent desires for social connection, as well as a hesitation or stuttering in my interactions. I trust this will pass but believe myself to be in the thick of it atm.

    How have things been with you lately? I too have trouble communicating my experiences at times. With that said I have another question, this knowing that you speak of, what is this knowing about exactly? Or is it possible this is just a feeling of knowing without a particular direction towards something? Meaning that nothing is known, there's just knowing.
    Anyway hope all is well with you, take care.
    Pretty much the same, just add "transformation" and working on "self doubt" to the list.
    As far as beliefs go i agree there must be a soul of sorts, i have read a theory that this soul is a sort of stream of awareness or consciousness, never the same and never static, yet conceptually we can see it as a single event, kind of like a flame, which is not an actual thing but a stream of energy. our mind conceptualizes it and turns the stream into a single fixed event or thing. but the reason i don't believe in, well a lack of personal consciousness is because i read someone once who suggested that even when one is experiencing the boundless infinite consciousness it is still localized, meaning it is still happening to a single person or thing, it isn't happening to your sister or next door neighbor, even if there is not necessarily a feeling of self, it is still happening to one stream of consciousness, not all of them.

    i still identify with my personality, thus body as well. i've had experiences of non localized awarenes, i've had experiences of what some call the silent witness where one disappears and there appears to simply be awareness, i've had an out of body experience as well, but i'd be lying if i said i don't still identify with my body. i was curious about this until i read a passage which suggests that perhaps the cause is deeper segments of my personality i still identify with are the cause. i don't know one way or the other, sometimes its hard to tell where my truth ends and my beliefs begin.

    you mentioned a single soul inhabiting various life forms at once, is this something you have expeirenced? one passage in your blog suggested you were under hypnosis and experienced perhaps a differnet life, is this what you mean?
    Thank you! I am now excited for what Thursday has to offer now :) I will bask in your love and blessings tonight~
    I've been feeling that way too, like a clarity has been restored to my life! Give your daughter a hug and kiss for me <3
    If you're interested in learning more about DA ahalmaas.com is the founders website. And if you want to find my blog the best way is to search "with cream cheese please" I don't think its in the normal blog section.

    As for your questions and statements I will have to get back to you tomorrow when I have more time and hopefully a computer d:

    Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions so far, and I hope you enjoy your day as well.
    Your spiritual capacities sound quite profound and developed, I have since read some of your blog and feel as though I have a better grasp of your system of understanding. Its interesting, I feel i can relate to your spiritual experiences though the system i use has different terms.

    For example you mention a sort of flowing and merging experience, this is what I believe DA refers to as the merging essence, essence being who we fundamentally are beneath the personality which is nothing but the various sectors of crystallized psychic structure that only exist bc of the various childhood events that lead to the initial loss of essence in the first place. If I am correct DA suggests that if you were to close your eyes during this merging you might see a golden or yellowish color, all aspects of essence have a color, furthermore if you were to pay close attention to your tongue you might find you have a sweet taste in your mouth as well.

    Interestingly enough I believe the sector of my personality I am currently dealing with to be related to this very form of essence. It involves aloneness and my mother and if I'm being honest its the only reason I've returned to these forums to begin with. I plan on writing another blog entry on it soon if you wish to know more, I'm writing this right now on my phone and it takes awhile.

    I am curious to hear your thoughts on the nature of the self, meaning what you believe or have seen yourself to be after having these experiences of no boundaries or no self. For example do you still identify with your body? And if your aren't the body than what do you know yourself to be? Or is there no consistent identity in your experience?
    I have heard of those before, but have never tried them, but since you like them, I might give them a shot!
    I've been decent myself. My clairaudience has been increasing lately and I am working on tuning in/out of it as needed. My studying is going OK. It's been really hard to focus on things lately. Physical exhaustion has been helping though. I've also been considering doing a lemon/water detox
    Is naturophy a part of homeopathic theory? The page I found mentioned HT as a science composed of creating distilled solutions for medical ailments, is this what you meant by creating an essence?

    I am quite interested in hearing more about connecting to plants and other various energies. Is there a method you use to do this? Also you mentioned experiencing a oneness which I am curious about as well.

    My journey has been centered around truth and understanding, I consider myself an unofficial student of the diamond approach. Various sections of my personality come under stress, are seen, understood and dissolved. My practice is non goal oriented self inquiry and non doing meditation.

    Is the goal of your spiritual journey the dissolution of the self? And yes I'm familiar with the I am meditation, I feel that presence mostly in my stomach and can't help but laugh when I do lol.
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    No, I hardly do. However, I am trying to work something out right now that would give me the time to write. There is a lot to be said. My German Shepherd I found time for, as I loved him. Lost him a few months back to cancer. Guess I spend most of my time riding the waves of life. Seriously need a vacation. I do take the time for physical therapy, though. Have a wonderful therapist and look forward to it. Does your daughter have the same interests as you?
    Thank you and yes I am very much so (:

    So again if you don't mind me asking how often do you meditate and how would you describe the nature of your spiritual journey?

    I ask bc I've been on the journey myself for about three years but have few contacts to compare and contrast my findings and experiences.
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