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  • I pulled down a few stars for you to wish upon! Have a fabulous evening! :)
    you seem like the kindest, most genuine person in the world. thank you for your advice. i am very open about my emotions, because i've learned that they're better out than in. i'm not ashamed of crying either, i've just been trying to be better about random sob fests. i'm quite good at writing in my journal - i've filled four in five years. i love to do it and find it very therapeutic. i usually pray a lot but i haven't been lately. i am good at talking to God, but not always taking a moment to sit back and listen to him. i hope tomorrow goes better. today was alright. i haven't contacted referrals yet, but soon my mother will probably be forcing me to meet with someone…i'll keep you updated (: much love.
    kinda like a prayer/spell :) i was playing it on the piano one day and it rocked me lol
    Studying has been pretty steady, you?

    Reading about your experience, made me so happy. It reminds me of when I saw the auras of those at my first Reiki Share.
    I bet you were as excited as a young child :D I have always seen you green too, funnily enough.

    I love reading about your growth, and about your stories of raising your daughter with such love~
    You really inspire me to dive deeper into myself, so thank YOU <3
    Thank you!! It is good to visit again! Things are...everything all at once! Such is life!
    :-) How are you doing?
    Ooooh it makes me so happy to hear this from you~

    I want to hear about your awesome awesome days <3
    Not weird at all. I felt the exact same way about you. I remember the very first time I laid eyes on a post of yours :D ahh...!
    Thank you for your wishes. Have a very great and tasty and nutritious dinner! I know you'll make it awesome.
    ;_; never give up!
    maybe we've met once before long ago... and maybe we will meet again in person in the future c: i hope we do someday
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