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  • Thank you! How have you been?

    It's...there, I guess. Periods of thereness and blahness and ahness. I'm thankful for the sleep time, though.
    I really think you and I are on the same wavelength or something. It just strikes me as so odd that every quote, every post, every picture that you've put on my wall in the last few weeks had some kind of strong relevance to what was going on in my life. I don't get that with anyone so consistently than I do with you. And the fact that you were debating with the chariot card is just hilarious. The Chariot is the significator I usually use as my birth data boils down to a 7 and it corresponds to my life's mission.

    Strength, however, is definitely the card I need right now. Very nice to have that reassurance. I've been feeling a little shaky.

    Have you ever looked up your life card?
    I decided to return the favour and pull you a card from my deck. This was the one that called for you:

    I sometimes wonder if there is such thing as freaky coincidence or if there's something completely else at play. Guess what card I pulled from my deck about, oh, fifteen minutes before I saw your post on my wall?

    Thank you.
    Thank you for the reputation comments and the thumbs up, charlene. You are most wonderful <3
    Ooooh I have been looking for gold quartz! My current stone of choice lately has been Lepidolite. It carries an amazing vibration~
    Hmm, I could do Wednesday or Thursday evening next week. Maybe 9pm my time, which I believe is early afternoon for you?

    And the feathers...:)))))))
    That is very true! And the main thing to help me muster the courage to full out tell him.
    Thank you, I will definitely take you up on that offer~ I have always wanted to talk to you on there, but never thought to ask lol

    I bless you, charlene, with the highest love, light, and divinity <3
    Hi Charlene

    Sorry it took a while for me to reply I've been off the forums for a while. I've moved house and made changes to my working life which left little time for online activities!

    I'm well though, thanks for asking, how you getting on?
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