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  • An excuse for what? Not fitting in? I don't believe they think they need one because of the fact that they don't fit in. Why would they need to excuse themselves from people they don't even identify with, especially when said excuse probably doesn't even work? And it's pretty obvious that they don't even care that much what people think.

    I'd say it's more of an explanation than an excuse.
    I would still reserve the possibility that you're INFJ and you could just be more aware of the sensing stuff as you've been consciously trying to develop it.
    The theory goes that type doesn't change but functions out of order under stress so that's why I was asking what was going on in your life at the time. Were you under excess stress 3 years ago?
    Thanks for letting me participate. Now I'm curious about other stuff. What state of mind were you in when you first came to the forum? Was INFJ your first test result? Had you gone to any of the other forums?
    Lmao, but of course!

    Is it because it would most likey be a troll who makes that suggestion?
    Natal charts are way different then reading your daily horoscope or looking up the description of what an Aquarius is and expecting that to nail your personality down to a T. You need an accurate birth date and time, that way you can find out where all of the planets were positioned when you were born. Even though you may be an Aquarian, your Moon (which rules emotions) could be in Pisces, your ascending sign in Capricorn, your mercury, Venus and mars in others signs...all of which rule different aspects of your personality, therefore, changing how a typical Aquarian would behave. A lot more to it. That is why you could find two people that are Aquarians that have very different personalities. Like I said, it's interesting. And very different from your basic astrology.
    It wasn't just a guess, my friend. I came to this conclusion through observation. There is more to it then some would like to believe ;). I can honestly say that I get a much more accurate description of my "personality type" through my natal chart then I ever have through MBTI. Not for everyone, but interesting :)
    Sorry, I think I posted the wrong video. In any case, hope you figure out your type.
    lol ya, i'd just hate to really screw up a thread. when we first started, it was just a couple of folks and i could move and merge threads and organize the forum to wherever and it all worked out. but now, its like "ahh defuq am i doin'?" this morning i just about pulled my hair out LOL.. oh well, its bygone.. i'm done worryin' about it haha
    Haha yeah, it's nbd. I laughed off when I saw it anyways I wasn't mad in the first place. Funny though. :P
    This is just like the awkwardness after casual sex, without the sex. Still not awkward enough.

    I love you...

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