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  • (google translate later :p) ahh okay.
    I can understand wanting to use simpler and more practical language; this is how I feel about French. But as an English speaker who commits grammar errors in English and is ignorant of them, I wonder if there isn't great value in having that bookish background. ;)
    Yes indeed, quite loudly too. Many animals are said to purr, actually.

    "A purr is a sound made by all species of felids and is a part of cat communication. It varies between cats (for example by loudness and tone), and from species to species, but can be characterized as a tonal buzzing.The term "purring" has been used liberally in literature, and it has been claimed that viverrids (civet, mongoose, genet), bears, badgers, hyaenas (et cetera) purr. Other animals that have been said to purr are rabbits, squirrels, guinea pigs, tapirs, ring-tailed lemurs, elephants, raccoons and gorillas while eating."
    Damn! You all put me to shame! I guess most of my work out is chasing after an extremel busy toddler all day! Most of my excercise isn't set aside...I do a lot of walking, as I don't drive. I get the bus and walk A LOT...sometimes miles and miles. I also live in a pretty hilly area...so pushing a toddler in a buggy is quite the work out anyway! I do abs and legs/butt really...I don't even focus o nthe time it takes, I just have a set routine and do as many sets as I feel I can.
    Mhm...I'm pretty sure it was you anyway, Ill go and check!

    Yeah, there's always an elemant of vanity! I like to look good in tight things! haha

    What are you work out routines like?
    You look good! I'm pretty sure I saw a pic you posted recently...you got some impressive muscles!!

    Yeah, thats for sure! People these days are so lazy about excercise. I've got the bone structure of a bird, so Im thin...and when I tell people I try and work out every day they look at me funny like I have some sort of disorder. It's about over all health and wellness, but a lot of people don't get that. If I work out regularly, I have a lot more energy day to day!
    haha! Yeah I don't look so bad either. :D Although, saying that just makes me feel arrogant...

    My friend tells me that it's great because you can stop and take a break whenever you need to...its not one of these ones that you have to power through. It's like in 90 days you can work your way up to being able to do it right the way through. I think it's worth a shot anyway!
    Oh awesome! My friend can be a little flakey, so hopefully I'll sort something with her. Let me know if you decide to do it...we can cheer each other on! :)
    The metaphors are: 1. There are ways of talking to people that make you unfocused, detracting from what you're really trying to say. 2. Relationships can be classified according to how well they understand you and how comfortable you are letting them understand you. And some may seem central, but are actually in the 2nd or 3rd rung.
    the workout thread sounds pretty cool! wont mind! but I'm not sure how much I can participate in working out though with work and all haha. But I'll do my best! been wanting to train back up after my surgery for awhile now haha
    I think IT is good to go into. I sometimes wonder if I should have doubled in comp. sci.

    I'll get a job someday though with my philosophy degree.
    Sweet! I'm super flattered *flutters eyelashes* I love you forever lets get married

    kidding! :D

    that was actually pretty bad on my part for reading it wrong. :/ My fault. I have trouble...comprehending...things. ;)
    I was eating some cheezits and didn't expect to read that lololol I began to choke a bit. The problem is, now I feel bad. I hope that's not a forum member. :/
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