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  • Thanks, Rawr! I'll totally check it out! .. yea, I was hoping to bum a copy off a friend or something... this may have made everything MUCH EASIER!)))
    The kitten on crazybeautiful's wall is freaking me out. It's eyes are so cold and dead. I can only imagine it's saying "Oops, did I just chop off your arm, so sorry. Your eyes look very red, I'm afraid they'll have to come out."
    Only moving a stone’s throw away - want to stay central as our present location is just too good. Second viewing today and another two tomorrow – let’s see how things go. Brekki finished and it’s back on the treadmill of craziness for me. Have a super Friday and a great weekend. PS : I notice you didn’t respond re: new job – hope it all goes well for you.
    Heh, I was very tempted to quote "The Nanny" theme song for your last post, but I have no idea how many people have watched that show. By the way, Nick's party starts at 4 PM on Saturday!
    That's pretty cool/funny about your roommate's dog and fish. Random cute fact, but Puppy liked peanuts. Of course, she mainly only ate them whenever we accidentally dropped one (always the ones that were in a shell). We normally try not to feed them scraps, though.

    Anyway, I think I did end up going to sleep after I posted here. I made a new record this week by going to sleep at 9 AM on one of the days, though :(

    I haven't seen any new cute GIFs lately, but I did find this last week:
    I was kidding about the waxing. :wink: Men and waxing...hmmm not sure. Symmetry however is very important when it comes to eyebrows! So happy to hear that you're not deserting us. Are you excited about your new role? LIFE is non-stop at the mo - would be nice to switch brain off and disengage. We have recently put our property on the market - also looking to buy and work is incredibly hectic at the mo which is great but not when there's so many other things competing with each other - I won't bore you with all of that. Right - time for dinner and then back to work. :m180:
    Morning fwend :smile: yes those proverb quotes always stirs me up no matter how many times I read it. Howz those eyebrows of yours doing - have you waxed them yet? :m082:
    If I'm not mistaken - I hear you have a new job? CONGRATS!!! Does this mean you'll be leaving us? :m142:
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