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  • You should give it a try at least once! It really REALLY makes a difference! Especially if you spent most of your time sitting and/or working at a computer. You don't realize how tense your shoulders and neck can get. When I first started getting them I felt awkward, then I realized that it was just like going to the doctor or dentist. I would recommend a sports related place rather than a spa. I find they do better deep muscle work
    It's very much worth it, and really helps with muscle recovery. Is it just that you're not comfortable being touched?
    So yeah, he said that he had invited all of you guys but wasn't sure if anyone remembered. It's on the 7th, but I don't think there's a time specified yet.
    Rawrz!! Hope your week's been going well. Maybe you've narrowed the apt
    search down?)) Idk about you, but this will be me tomorrow morning:

    Big toasty cinnamon bun. With thick cinnamon swirls, melted butter, and just
    the right amount of icing drizzle... Been such a fatty these past couple days.
    So much so that the gym nearly KILLED ME. >:/
    Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to seem insistent or anything. I just happened to notice by chance that many long-running threads had stopped being capped and I thought I'd point them out to you. I knew you'd get to them when you had some spare time.
    I was just giving you a heads up in case it was something you overlooked. I, personally, couldn't care less whether you archive or do not. That's why I mentioned not knowing whether or not it was something you still did. If you don't want to do it, then don't. You don't owe me an explanation. If, on the other hand, you don't want me giving you a heads up then I can do that as well. I apologize if I somehow offended you.
    oh my gosh, YES! I slept in until 1000, have been lazy all day, took a bath, now I'm back in bed, snacking on blueberries and cruisin the internetz))) good day so far))))))
    Yeah, I think after the presentation he had asked all of us if we were planning on doing something after the graduation or something like that. I should probably ask if he's still gonna have it.
    I actually just stayed home on Friday since I had to clean up and stuff, but I was feeling kind of sick that day too anyway. But yeah, we should. I was gonna ask if you were gonna leave before he has that graduation party in June? I think it's on the 7th.
    Ah, I see. I actually kind of missed hanging out with you guys (even though technically we were just working on the project) once school finished. Also, I saw this on Tumblr earlier.
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