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  • Thanks Rawr, I'm feeling much better. I was really beginning to feel overwhelmed with everything, but fortunately those feelings finally passed :) Are you all done with school? How have you been?
    Empty! (: I'm still waiting on furniture to get here.
    I like the city. It's big but not too crowded.

    Why up so early?
    Is it early morning where you are?
    It is here. Although I start at 8, I woke up at 5...
    That looks like our cat Puppie! Coincidentally, we recently planted new flowers and finally made a decent burial for her today (well, technically "yesterday" now). Here is one picture of it.
    Yeah. It's been really screwing up my schedule, though. Especially since I need to practice driving and the car's already being used by the time I wake up. I woke up at 4:30 PM today.
    Aww... Milk moustache! Also, the music actually matched some screenshots that I was saving while listening of two characters in a space-aquarium thing.
    Yup, we were out on an adventure. You were driving a Jeep..
    Haha, it's odd how some details stick with you and some don't in dreams.
    I dreamt about you last night. hope things are well and good on your end. ((:
    I forgot to mentioned this earlier, but let me know if you have to leave before Nick has his party. That way we can arrange to hang out before then instead.
    Aww its adorable! i love it, thankyou :) and yes, foxes are awesome. actually i like any animal pictures. your little kitty inside the tank always makes me smile
    Yeah! I don't like that I sit so much! I actually find it makes me more stiff than working out some times!

    Are you already for your move!?
    <3 i am, went the doctor, apparently i have (had) a virus that was going around.. but it's practically gone now.
    how's life being some guy?
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