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  • So is the answer with a question thread. I don't know if you all still cap and archive them.
    I'm ok, just finished a D and D game with alcohol via skype. D and D should only be played while drunk, it's so much fucking fun.

    I like to be a bit melodramatic after a few drinks (it's the Fi), but overall I'm fine.
    Of course, that's smart. You need to get a lay of the land, check out the security system, the best equipment. No wasting time, it's good working with a professional.

    Seriously though, I'm happy for you. You're a good kid (I'm older than you so I'm allowed to be condescending) and you deserve to be happy.
    Congrats on finishing college and getting that job. Hope everything goes well there.

    So when do I come over and help loot the place?
    Yeah I know admin is not moderator. Other people don't know that though. A lot of people would think that just because you have powers it must be your job.
    I stretched when I got home and I think I stretched too much and broke myself lol. I soaked in a hot bath after though so that may have un-broken em.
    Aw man, that kinda makes me feel bad lol I was hoping I could build more muscle in my legs so it wouldn't be so painful the next time :( now I don't know what to do but 'feel the burn' lol. And I wore my Vans today and it made a WORLD of difference. By the end of it my legs where the things in pain, my feet had a slight ache but not anything near the last to around.
    Heck yeah! I just never knew just how out of shape my legs are till getting the job lol standing for 5 hours is killer for me right now, and I'll have to do it for 9 on Monday..! x.x
    By the way, congratulations on getting the job! I was gonna ask about that, but then saw that it was asked already.
    Cuuuute! The outdoor cat that I've mentioned taking care of (I'm not sure if I ever showed you his health progress pictures) loves macaroni and cheese. Actually, he likes pretty much anything that has cheese...
    Lol I'm working at the movie theater, and so far I live it! Granted I'm pretty old and should be having some desk job somewhere earning more but man, I need to be doing something! And if that something is cleaning up pop corn I'm happy to do it lol.
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