I'm guessing you were a senior last year.

That all actually sounds fun, though! I'd love to have enough time in my schedule to take art or psych. Then again, senior year is kind of when you get the itch to graduate and have most of the requirements done anyway.

Last year was sort of a transition into being hardcore scientists and taking huge work loads for the people in my class at the math/sci/tech school.
Haha, yeeaahhh, like smashing guitars up like you always see on TV. xD I wouldn't do that even if I had the money. Oh, my friend who went to China spent $350 in pens.

They better do something magical. Seriously.
Haha, most of my friends find each other worthy of exclaiming, "ewwwwww!"

What was your experience with sweet sixteens, then? d: I don't plan on having a party. I remember my cousin's bestie's 18th birthday was at this Japanese buffet place. She rented out an entire room and had suuuper duuuuper loud music, strobe lights, glowsticks, etc. I can't afford that and my house is a dump from the 70s.
I'm not good at memorizing dates or names, either, but the point of that class (at my school) is to encourage critical thinking to connect the dots. What the heck? xD Notes aren't essential to good study habits or anything. -blaaaaatant sarcasm-