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  • S
    Fine. Without knowing what I said wrong, "I'm Sorry".
    Why are you self conscious of your appearance? You're a very beautiful women.
    Most women have to stand just being plain, but attractive.

    You're outstanding. But yes you were grinning like a monkey, your teeth were drawn back in a sort of fearful pose.
    You're beautiful damnit. It's just that expression that's scary. I've got my own facial expressions that scare people even me.
    Mine is my neutral expression.

    Photography isn't to get people in a pose with a smile. That's for retards who don't know how to work a camera.
    Photography is to capture who you are. Very often, that's not smiling. A lot of people look much nicer when they're not grinning like a monkey for the camera.

    If it helps salve your ego, you're more attractive than two of the girls I flirt with regularly here.
    I shall and I will keep having fun all through the holidays. That's my plan!
    Hope you enjoy your weekend too. May there be much excitement. :D

    I can't give you any more rep points right now! Your just sooo sweet to everyone, I can't help it!:D

    Oh, jsut so you know, I'm gonna continue to shamelessly flirt with you when I want to, hope you don't mind! :)
    Glad you're feeling happy now:D I'm about to climb the apples and pears to beddy with my teddy but I feel a little like tomorrow is my first day at bloody school or something, or like I'm off to war. Seems a bit drastic and I ought to laugh at myself for being able to reduce myself to such an insane state when my friends who'll be coming won't give it a second thought probably! Anyhwo, I can't say that I'm NOT happy right now, so on that note goodnight, til tomorrow!
    Thanks, I'm almost over it now. Got sick over the 4th of July weekend, but I still went to see the fireworks despite the headache, and coughing. Hooray for Advil.
    Thats a good idea- make it for myself, that way it doesn't really matter what other people think. But I get intimidated by people like, TheDaringHatTrick, because she's so bloody intelligent and insightful and knowledgeable and I think... all that I thought I knew and all the experiences that I have are nothing stacked up to hers or anybody else's on this forum. I feel like a dumbass on here, when in real life, people often come to me for answers.

    I'm glad I found this place but at the same time it's frustrating because I think "Where are all these people in real life!?". If I had friends like the people on this forum in real life- people like you- I'd probably be a happy person! But ah well, still working on it I guess.
    Hah - compared to all the teens on this foru, we are crazy old, aren't we?. I'll be 29 in January.
    Currently i'm working for a mutual fund firm I help out with the revision and control of mutual fund prospectuses and other legal documents.... not an INFJs dream job, to be sure. But it's what I've got right now :)
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