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  • Happy Monday to you too.
    It will be a very happy Monday indeed, if I manage to get into the Mortal Online preorder today.
    Im convinced! Even if its not doomed to happen, the way people are treating the earth, its going down any-who. :(
    Depends what you shopped for. If it was a self-centred, self glorifying, self beautifying shopping trip that sounds like fun... but cleaning :(

    All I did yesterday was rip up rags, urgh. You can only get satisfaction out of ripping things to shreds for so long.
    Okay :) :p I thought you left when your profile disappeared. DaringHat seems to have T.T. I liked her D:
    YAY, you're back! :D I thought you disappeared forever.

    I didn't do much on the weekend. :/ we're renovating so we have to stay home at the moment and help out. *sigh*

    How was yours?
    =) My pleasure, I hadn't been able to comment on your profile for the last few days.
    Thanks RM. I feel like a bit of a twat now because an hour after I posted that thread something magical happened- the girl messaged me on facebook and we stayed up till 5 am chatting. This has been the weirdest two months...

    I witnessed the warfare on the pictures thread. You look great, RM! Don't take it to heart what they said. I agree, it was tactless and insensitive the way they put it but I don't think they meant harm.
    Look at that though, you still like the thought of a cute guy flirting with you!

    There is no need to be embarrassed, all this is is words on a screen, not like I'm there flirting with you right in front of your friends or family.

    I just like to have fun, and I find flirting with cute chicks to be great fun. You'll never stop me! :)

    How 'bout I use some cheezy flirting/pick-up lines?

    Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again? :D
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