Thank You so much Ria..well this is what happened, my parens went out the whole day,, I was left alone, I spend my entire saturday sitting on this computer on he chat, I talked, talked and talked, but it felt like everyone was just ignoring me, no one would answer back
, I am sorry I am ranting, I just feel so low right now..I feel like I am indeed alone, but this is not true, you been there to help me s much, and others have at times...I just wish this can all go away, sometimes I wish I could never wake up again..I dont know really..I am sorry I can't call its 2:20 am here, I don't want mom to wake up and scream at me, my tears and crying will just get her madder, she does not care..I feel like my whole world is crashing down on me, I am s sorry, you really don't need to respond..I just needed a place of release, and to know that actually someone does indeed care for me in this world..what am I saying??I sound so selfish..why am I??