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  • Wow, you sound very busy! Sometimes the silence of an empty home is crazy in itself. I like to put music on, loud. My day is going well so far. I am back at work, thinking about life, wondering what my next step should be.
    Good to know. Hope you have an awesome day! Enjoy the cocky guys. I'd assume they provide good immediate, yet limited, gratification.
    Hi Ria, thx for the rep... I know what you mean, it is intense, and I suddenly feel like something bigger than myself. I feel like a part of something, like I belong ... and isn't that what we r all looking for? It blew me away! (in response to deneecey's vid)
    Haha well I've never smoked a day in my life actually. No worries though, it's nice to know you are concerned anyway!
    You love driving? Than you are my heroin of the day. I should drive (even have licence), but I am scared to death:)
    I dunno about sacred and mature- I'm not as spiritual as you.
    I just can't be sexually attracted to someone unless I know them on a personal level and like their personality.
    Just read your blog. I'm very sorry for what you're going through. You're still in my thoughts and my prayers, and I'm also here if you need to talk.:hug:
    *hugs* I hope things get better for you and please take care of yourself, I can't really offer much advice on this but I agree on what Indigo said,

    Ok well good luck.. I am off to bed.. I am not in Canada.. but Europe.. silly eh? I miss home. I have been gone for 4 weeks today.
    If you guess, I would be so shocked that I would never doubt the prowess of Ni ever again.. you would truly be something else.
    I'll tell you this Ms Ria.. you look very cute in your picture.. Just so you know.. I am NOT frivoulous with physical compliments.. and I read your whole profile.. I am Canadian.. we are all not so bad.
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