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  • It's going great, thanks! Relaxing, really. Just ordered Thai take-out and plan on doing a bit of reading and playing some videogames. :)
    I played it a few times myself. It does tend to grab hold of the soul in some unexplainable way. But, in a good way.
    I feel a lot of sadness for everything that happened to those people. Imagine the world we would be living in here in North America had we not been so greedy and violent. I agree with what you said to me before about how we are soon going to rely heavily on their knowledge. It makes sense to me.

    I liked that last poem, it really speaks to me. thank you for sharing :)
    Thanks for your PM Ria! I wasn't able to respond via PM so here we are. :) I have a skype account that I don't use and I've forgotten the log-on information for it, but if I create a new one I will most definitely add you. :)

    I'm glad to know life is looking up for the three of you. :D Take care!
    I agree. I think that I'm on the right path to get there. I think, like Frodo, I'm going to have to go through my own set of trials and tribulations and maybe have to conquer my own Mordor before I get there. But I believe I'm taking the right steps, or at least I hope!

    I got your message on Facebook :) I've replied to it there!
    I've read the novels three or four times now and I love them so much. I always felt such great sadness when they went off to the Grey Havens. I had such a hard time understanding the first time I read, but as I go through my life and go back to the books and the movies I start to understand how it is. Somehow I wish I could go to my own Grey Havens but it seems I have a lot to live through and for before that could ever happen.
    Ahh yes, she definitely is. Galadriel is awesome.

    I just watched Return of the King the other night. Well, part of it anyway. It's my favourite of the three movies I think though I have a tendency to skip past the Frodo and Sam parts lol.
    Yes. I think she represents wisdom and stillness and something else I can't quite put my finger on.
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