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  • Happy Holidays Ria.
    Have a wonderful time with your family and loved ones. :hug:
    I was totally kidding. But saying that ALWAYS sends the xmas carollers away!! Always!!!
    well thanks for the compliment on my name but i can't take credit for it, i saw it in an online game once and pretty much went with it quite some years ago. so where do you work for geriatrics? my older sis is a nursing assistant and works in a local nursing home, and some of the stories she tells me of what her job entails can make me cringe sometimes, but she loves taking care of the elderly, if not the politics of the place.

    and you know im not sure how we got on this vinegar rant but why stop now? according to the vinegar fun facts website; white vinegar will also cure hiccups and athletes foot lol. startin to think i should develop a taste for the stuff.
    Now Now Ria... don't go putting me in the same situation BB ended up in...LOL
    Thanks for the vote of confidence on the rep you gave me.
    hey thanks and i hope yours goes well too. im on the east cost of us, in ny. and yeah when i hear these seemingly contradictory home remedies it makes me wonder about the first people to try these things and how brave they must've been lol, even nowadays it might take some financial persuasion to get me to take that dare haha. alright well take care and ttyl!
    Aw, you're most welcome! :)
    Sounds like a great Christmas. :D I hope you enjoying sleeping in and relaxing tomorrow, and shopping with your girls. Have a wonderful night! :)
    Thank you for noticing Ria and letting me know you empathize with me. He is in a tenuous situation...and I'm worried. But my sister is gold at dealing with hospitals and nurses and needles and taking care of Dad in this way. I can't do hospitals very well at all.... So I'm very grateful for her and I feel he is in the best loving hands. That's all one can hope for.
    Oh believe me, it took some restraint. I thought the very same thing you did. lol.

    Thank you for the rep.
    g'mornin! thx for the concern and yeah much better this morning. i decided to just down as much milk as i could b4 hittin the hay and it worked well enough. ya know whats weird is someone once suggested i try drinking straight vinegar for heartburn which to me seems like a step in the wrong direction but hey who knows, maybe if i get desperate enough one of these days lol.

    i remember when i first got here about a year ago i spotted some of your poetry in the poets corner but haven't seen much since, are you still writing? kinda fallen off myself lately, though you'd think itd be picking up this time of year. but i remember i enjoyed what i read, you have a unique style. anyway hope all is well and ttyl!
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