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Saru Inc
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  • I felt my ruse might have been too much - I sent them a message saying what I am and, more importantly, what I am /not/.
    yes, they're cool indeed. sprrraaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy. i think i had a bit of a fascination with them when i was a little kid, now that i think about it.
    i chose that name just because i like the sound of the word. ha.
    ok honestly,
    you're some kind of mbti genius but geniuses don't ever get any credit because regular people just won't understand.
    you'll just be seen as a weirdo. so, that explains all the bans.
    orrr it could have to do with your extensive trolling.

    people are silly. so whatever, right?
    umm, are you, like, black now? because those be the people who like the profile of my body. (and yes, sarcasm noted)

    thanks for liking my epitath. it's inspired by Sylvia Plath. google her name and "the fig tree" and you'll see.

    yeah counselling psychology is great so long as you find a good therapist. most will be shit, honestly. if you're infj and have some kind of intelligence (like you and me) it will just be painful. that maybe sounded weird but it's like a long story and i can tell you later.

    well, i chose an in-state college? i mean, i'm from Sweden so it's like an out-of-country college. I'm gonna transfer after I have my AS, too!

    All songs by Silversun Pickups are amazing. They're all I listen to, pretty much. Just the same songs over and over. Nothing else comes close.

    Meh, I find that nervous systems in general are overrated.
    i should confess on the forum that i dont know the difference between add and adhd.
    you have ADD, right?
    i'm glad youre a squirrel, theyre cute.
    american cheese is a very weird concept to me. i feel like ive been americanized a lot, but i always catch my foreigness when buying cheese. or when i try to pronounce the word "spontaneity".
    i love adam sandler. <3

    is my profile interesting to you?

    you live in virginia somewhere.
    how do i know? i'm psychic, like all other infjs.
    but youre an enfp so you wouldnt know about that.
    My issue is your way to down on feelings in general to me. Maybe your Fe is low. I don't get the sense that you care about others feelings or that they feel a curtain way. Or your not really worried to much about group dynamics.. (IE I don't see much Fe from you.) so yes you seem rather P and T to me. The reason I said SJ is they can often be very serious no nonsense even as F types. But again that's my opinion your may well be different.
    Well your pretty no nonsense no feeling type of person. So I don't maybe your a T or just very emotional I'm not really sure. You very well could be some be INXJ for all I know.
    No its your strong lack of Jn'ss that gets me. You also could be ISFJ. I don't know. I did that more to be smart but your type dose throw me a bit. Not being smart but it dose.
    I'm implying a wink. ;) Aren't you a fellow INFJ? When you called me "sir infj," it made me think you might be a different type today. haha
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