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  • Don't worry about it! Take your time and most importantly,
    take good care of your heart first.. :m167::hug:
    And uhmm.. it will be just 3 of us first.. our friend has a test.
    So maybe next time.. :D
    I do already have a tumblr (loujoli) :) it's the blog on which I 'practise' to make a more professional jewelry blog later. But thank you for the tip and the motivation!
    You're welcome :) I don't have Wordpress -yet-. I have had many blog ideas but I don't feel ready to make a page yet, because I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep it up. I also thought about making a blog exclusively with images and not so much text, but I'm not sure if WordPress is useful for that.
    Hey pal
    There is a thread which we share different movie scene, do you know which one? Can't find it :P
    Thank you! I love this place, I was astonished by all the interesting topics that are being discussed. Other social media don't compare to it! I wish this was the standard though. My furious outbursts are also rare, and only to people I know very well. I hope we'll find that balance to express it, or a state of being that excludes anger at all ^^.

    I read your story on Wordpress by the way, it is very inspiring :)
    Hi! I'm replying to your kind message under my post; many thanks :)! (It's the only way I figured how to answer :alien:).
    You're welcome~ Ahah, more and more sure about it everyday! :) Still pondering, though...
    Well, thank you!
    I am a strong proponent that our minds reach out further than our physical head.
    I believe that when we send words of comfort, or empathize, or just send good/healing intentions that it actually effects that person.
    So you’ve helped already!
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