Siamese cat
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  • T
    Can't.. handle.. cuteness..
    Good lord.
    I also have one like the last cat you posted.
    He's adorable, but a bit shy.
    Oh no milady, are you alright?!?
    Santa kitty is so fucking adorable <3

    He needs a helper though
    Those are just adorable <3
    I love me sum kittanz ;D
    Yea, it was a while ago.
    I closed that tab already :(
    It had those black leg things, and this red thingy.
    And a necklace and a funny hat. And a cup of tea.
    I was spying on Aprils profile and I also made my little Victorian doll.
    Should I be questioning my masculanity now? :(
    I can find the links for you if you wish?
    I have read only one of them (the first).
    That's the only one they sold in the local bookstore, and I believe there are 4 of them.
    I think they did a pretty good job making the show, it's very similar to the book.
    (The first book = the first season) Although there was a different ending in the book, which I preferred.
    Hey, you can send me as many funny cat pictures as you wish.
    Have you read the Dexter books?
    Haha oh shit.
    You made my day.

    I find the Big bang theory amusing too, although I don't really watch any TV anymore.
    And I'm anxiously waiting for the new Dexter episodes.
    He's my hero <3
    lol yeah i am, the forum is a great place to understand a very enigmatic type. i learn best from first hand experiance. also i want to write a book eventually, so if i can better understand people then i can make characters more realistic. i intend to have an estp character and an infj character, since they are shadows of one another, i would love to use that to draw parallels between good and evil.
    anyway thanks for striking up a convo with me, i enjoy talking to different people. if you dont mind my asking what do you enjoy most about this forum? do you like to write?
    Kitler cat? Is that a reference to Hitler? :P
    Ohh ohh let me pick your show!
    Watch Dexter ;D

    Also, since you raised the subject Hitler:
    (Go to the link for full size :P)

    I wtf'd at the pregnancy and drugs test.
    Thank you for my awesome new avatar ;D
    I love these cats.
    You found one with a jester hat ;D
    I think I'm going to use that as an avatar, instead of this creepy clown thing.
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