Siamese cat
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  • Zaprao ni ne. Jednostavno sam shvatila da mi je to noćna mora...nemam pojma otkud:)
    That sex does not make my life any better nor is it very fulfilling.
    If I don't want to truly share things with someone, I shouldn't be
    sacrificing my body for some hope of physical pleasure.

    And I agree that the clerical celibacy o.o.v. would be very interesting
    to hear from.
    I feel as though it's a topic worth discussing (:

    I was thinking about it a lot yesterday when I was showering
    and decided to make a thread on it. I was just hesitant because
    it gives a bit of insight into my personal life in a very personal,
    direct manner.
    I must be feeling social. I have been running around and saying Hi to everyone. I hope all is well and your day/week/life is great. Dang, I'm starting to sound like some kind of feeler..I may need to take a longer people are a bad, bad influence.
    haha! Week long celebrations are just my thing! Hell, our whole life is a celebration! What part of the world are you from?
    Do you attribute that special side to anything? Or just mere coincidence?
    Hey, I just wanted to apologize if I came off defensive in the mafia game thread the other night. The game was just the last thing from my mind at the time and I was a little thrown off guard. I hope I wasn't too rude or anything :(
    nice! it's the best birthday, isnt it? lol
    are you eluding to something similar to horoscopes or things like that? or do you have an opinion on them?
    I've heard Anais Nin referenced so many times in my life and never once
    have given thought to reading any of her things. Perhaps I should.

    I've made it non-comment but people stillcomment.
    I haven't asked for the posts to be deleted because I think
    it will look ugly with all the "deleted posts" little bars.
    I know, I would still want to read their posts from time to time :x
    usually though if I don't like someone too much, if the post looks
    non-sequitur I just skim over it.

    If someone really bothers me, I'll usually just block them from my blog.
    It's really personal and I hate when that is used against me.
    I would like an ignore option for certain persons.

    I don't know if I just have a different view of people than others, but
    there are some members here that a lot find profound and I just don't see it.
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