Siamese cat
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  • Hah - oh that too? It was kinda hard starting out on that kind of diet about two years ago. Always felt like I deserved a cheat meal (or cheat weekend!) but this, like sexual abstinence is a lifestyle and eventually, one gets used to it.

    I'm sure you're disciplined in areas that I'm undisciplined in though ;)
    lol thanks :)
    you're talking about my decision re: sexual abstinence until I'm married, right?
    Well--you see--my google search bar is actually reading "ugly animals" right now...
    *wipes sweat from brow*
    Thanks for playing along! I love May's post after it.
    Happy Birthday - you can use larger fonts in the "go advanced" post option. I found the monkey cake picture by googling "monkey cake". Thanks for the rep. Flav
    I find your profile pic amusing for some reason, I been wanting to tell you this for quite a while now lol... :)
    No, i didn't take it as a personal attack. I repeated the points because i didn't want anyone to think that the tests should be treated as definitive. It seems more of the comments were about dismissing career test validity which i know is easy to do (understandably). But i didn't want the entire thread to become too focused on criticizing the test or discussing test validity/reliability, etc. because there's more than enough evidence to argue that these tests are not necessarily reliable because of so many factors. So, that was why i gave the response i did. Thx :)
    "I compulsively read things including the text on the shampoo bottle while I'm in the shower."

    Me too!
    Oh mew...lemme see. I love writing trans-humanism! I want to see what we can be if we're not beholden to the human form or to brain matter.

    I am a strong believer in becoming something else. Not just because I'm transexual, but because I'm alive. Still, a girl shouldn't just believe everything she thinks. I'm on the INFJ forums after all for people to punch holes in my ideas.

    Anyways, I'm on AIM. I only check the forum once a day or so but I'd love to talk and such things!
    *nosepoke from another cat person!* Mew! Love and random nuzzles for no reason. I'm alive and around. Nudge me!
    I hate to hear that :( I hope those things pass rather quickly for you. I'll be sending warm thoughts your way.

    Outside of the health stuff, any exciting developments in the life of a cat?
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